The College has own two live stock farm complex as per norms of VCI, with following animal houses for the animals:-
- Buffalo and Cow farm
- Sheep Farm
- Piggery Farm
- Poultry Farm
- Fish Farm
Well functional LFC is available with campus. Students & Teacher participating in animal management practice in large remnant as well as in small animal like sheep and goat in our college ILFC.
The farm complex is for teaching of livestock species including poultry have following facilities :-
- Housing, feeding, breading and management of large & small ruminants units.
- Record Keeping
- Storage facilities for fodder crops
- Housing facilities for management & teaching staff
Staff on duty in LFC will be responsible for management including any emergencies regarding animal diseases at the livestock farm. They will also be responsible for production activity in each of the units.
Feed & Fodder Production Farm : -
College has own feed & fodder production farm at village Balekhan with sufficient land with having tube wells with modern sprinkler & drip irrigation systems to meet out the need of feed & fodder at LFC are meet from this farm.