MJF Veterinary College has two own Veterinary Clinical Complex and third is under progress at village Balekhan,VCC accommodated with Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Obstetrics& Gyneacolgy, Veterinary Surgery and Radiology departments. Education for clinical practice will be imparted for the students and clinical services will be provided to the farmers for their animals. We have the facility of artificial insemination, operation theater, ICU, vaccination etc with residing and waiting facility to the farmers. Veterinary hospital also has facility of indoor patients. Our College Veterinary Clincal Complex (VCC) is developed and fully functioning as per MSVE-2016 with following facilities – |
i ) Medical unit |
ii) Surgical unit |
iii) Gynaecology Unit |
2. Small animal (same as above with animal examination table) |
C. Operation theatre |
a. Equine surgery |
b. Bovine surgery (standard surgery) |
c. Bovine surgery (standing surgery) |
D. Infectious and contagious disease wards.
E. Recovery room for large animals, slings, hoist, head protectors, hobbles, twitch, blinkers etc. |
F. Intensive – care unit for small animal. |
G. Veterinary Diagnostic laboratory with the facilities for activities of 4 departments viz. Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Parasitology and Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry |
H. Indoor ward along with client/farmers room (separate for large and small animal owners). |
I. Ambulatory unit (complete with diagnostic and therapeutic equipments) |
J. Animal transport facility (desirable.) |
K. Night duty section with facilities for, technicians, residents and students rooms and vehicle to transport doctors during emergencies |
L. Residential accommodation for staff of clinical departments and specialized services |
M. Dark room film room interpretation room |
N. Physiotherapy room |
O. Loading and unloading platform |
TVCC have the following General accommodation:-
Indoor facilities – Large animals |
-- Small animals |
Outdoor -- Large animals |
-- Small animals |